Friday, May 23, 2008

Home again, home again, jiggidy jig

We're home, if you define "home" as back in the country of your tax paying residency. Actually, we got home, to Baltimore, at 11:30 on May 21st. Would you believe that we had 4 back to back flights, none of which were delayed, and our luggage made it? We even got in a couple minutes early because the flight from Philadelphia to Baltimore was 22 minutes. Why would an airline fly that route? In the past, when we've flown into Newark with a connecting "flight" to Allentown, the flight has actually been a bus. After 25 hours of travel, I'm quite glad that we DID fly to Baltimore.

So we're home now, what's next? My sister and good friend are getting married next week. After that we're going to try to figure out where we want to live next and what we want to do for a source of income.

This blog has not come to an end though. Stay tuned as we decompress from our year of "cultural exchange." I'm sure as we readjust to life here in the US, we'll have plenty of thoughts about what makes the world go around, the people in it, and other random stuff that never occurred to us before.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Add one more to the Resume

And with that, we finish out another job here in New Zealand. Friday, May 9th we said our good byes to those great folks at Nobilo who turned us from total greenies when it came to working with wine to rough and tumble veterans of a wine vintage. Note to self: Maybe it takes a few more vintages to be able to party like a wine vintage veteran - holy crap these people party hard!

It'll take us a few weeks to fully recover from vintage, for the calluses and cuts to heal on our hands, for us to wake up at a normal hour of the day, for the nightmares of overflowing a tippy tank or running the RDV dry to stop and for the pallet to return to normal and not think that every Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc tastes like the sludge at the bottom of the tank.

Today and tomorrow we'll spend packing up, trying to get everything to fit back in our bags and then we'll head off to see the South Island before flying out, back to the US on the 21st of May.

Before we head off, I'm going to try to post some more pictures and set up a new quiz to keep you all busy while we travel. Be sure to check it all out.