Saturday, June 21, 2008

One year ago...

Yes, that's right. Exactly one year ago we started our travels outside the US of A. To celebrate the occasion, we packed up everything in the van today and started traveling. This time though, our destination was only a few hours away. We have arrived safely to the New Jersey Shore which shall be our home for the time it takes us to plan our next adventure in life. Anyone want to come visit? Let us know, we'd love to fill up our social calendar!

Also, as you might have noticed, we've been a bit absent on uploading our travel photos. We were having a bit of technical difficulty and at the same time had reached our storage quotient on the Globalclarkes photo gallery page. Now you can find an additional link right here on our blog homepage to our photo gallery take two, where we are catching up with our final NZ photos and stuff we have since we've been home. Check them out.
