Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Still here, just exhausted

Well folks, the 12 hour shifts have come to an end, yet the winery is still operating on 24 hour shifts. We're (un)lucky enough to have scored the 11pm to 7am shift, so we're currently readjusting to night shift (we'd begun to work days a few weeks ago) and beginning to decompress from the madness that was vintage 2008.

The good news is that the end is in sight - May 9th (or 10th or 11th???) will be our last day of work. May 12-21st we'll be traveling around the South Island saying goodbye to the country that's been our home since mid-December. May 21st we fly home and after 24 hours of travel we'll hopefully be back in the USA.

Thanks for all the emails and comments from all of you over the past months. As the work hours come back to are a more manageable level in the next few weeks, hopefully we'll get a chance to write more.



Unknown said...

Hang in there! I'm keeping your bed warm at the beach this week - I didn't go to the Congo due to Glamma passing so I am here reading George Soros' book, getting ready to lead a book discussion with him in 2 weeks.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse!
Can't believe it's been almost a year! Still reading up on your adventures periodically. Hope you two have a safe trip home. Gonna be posting future plans anytime soon?
Dave De Carteret