Thursday, December 13, 2007

A moving building?

So I saw the coolest building the other day in Melbourne, Australia. I found Melbourne to be a very visually appealing city, with a mix of older and modern buildings, tons of weird sculptures and a harbor.

The only downside is the flies. Locals would walk around with leafy branches to swat at flies. Tourists would use the pamphlets from the information centers to keep the flies at bay.

Anyhow, back to the building - this building actually had moving parts to it. Check out this movie to see how it moved. Very cool!
PS: I attribute the title of this blog to Aussie, Rupert Murdoch's, FOX news network's influence. Everything they put in headlines across the screen is a question, which allows them to make outrageous claims w/o actually having to defend them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't I just read that Rupert Murdock recently also acquired the Wall Street Journal?

I wonder what kind of questionable assertions that paper will begin to make!