Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our final flight, for a while!

We arrived in Auckland this afternoon on an inexpensive Emirates flight. We're huge fans of Emirates Air because of their on-demand entertainment with over 500 channels, meal menus and seats with plenty of leg room. I even got a chance to play their electronic solitaire game, which I still am unable to win. I haven't successfully played a game of solitaire, without cheating, ever. I think there's a rule that I'm not privy to that's preventing me from making any headway.

We're planning on staying a while here in NZ, looking for work. Possibilities include bike shops, BMW dealerships, health clubs or America's Cup operations. Speaking of sailing, we're bummed that we are missing the Sydney to Hobart sailboat race that starts on the 26th of December. Well, at least we're in a country that appreciates sailing as a sport. We'll be following it, and here's the link if you want to as well.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's pray for good weather this year - the race is infamous for life threatening weather problems.

