Tuesday, November 6, 2007

And finally a change of pace

After what seems forever we have moved on from Nepal and India to Bangkok. Before we left Bangalore, India decided to leave us with a parting gift of a good round of sickness. We managed to drag ourselves to the airport and then realized once we arrived at our new destination that it was time to call in the Doc's help. We are now recuperating nicely and have enjoyed seeing a bit of the city.

It is a welcome change to not hear any horns honking or constantly dodging car, human, and animal traffic. After spending a while in the 3rd world atmosphere you stop taking simple life niceties for granted...cleanliness, respect for others, abiding by global societal rules, etc.

We found a Starbucks today and gleefully went in for our first cup of good joe in a long while. What we did not expect was to see all of the Christmas flavors and decorations displayed! It's kind of like Florida where you know it's the right time of year for the holidays but the weather says opposite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I finally got your blogspot! I am slow, anyways, I will take some time and catch up with your ventures. Big news for me is that I will be heading out to Bankok this spring so leave lots of good notes on your site so I know what to avoid and what to see!

By the way the haircut is pimp, I got the same thing and the lady at the haircuttery told me her rates went up and it was $18. Stupid ____

Anyways, have a safe journey and I will be sure to write more as I find something exciting to comment on.