Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The wonders of Stardust

As you can see from our Bangkok photos, as we started feeling a little better we were out and about exploring the city before we headed out on our vineyard biking adventure. One of the days we explored the Siam Paragon which was a huge shopping "mall". Mall in a sense but larger than you've ever seen. It was multiple blocks and included 5 floors of stores including a basement Gourmet food market.

We wanted to watch a movie and checked out what was playing on the 6th floor cinema and decided upon a Stardust showing. When ordering the tickets we realized that it was pricier than expected but went ahead and bought 2 tickets. We killed the time until the show by walking around checking out all of the awesome electronics and perusing the bookstores.

About 20 minutes before the movie started we headed to the cinema figuring we would take advantage of the facilities as long as possible because of the high cost. At first we tried to go into the main entrance but they directed us to another area where we were escorted to a lounge waiting area. Now we understood why we paid so much ($15/person) and had free soda drinks and pastry cookies. Two minutes before the show started we stood up and immediately an attendant appeared at our table and personally walked us to our seats. We also had selected where we wanted to sit in the theatre...kind of like concert or broadway tickets.

Earlier I had worried about being cold since all of the stores were freezing and outside was hot and muggy. I didn't need to worry because at our seats we were given pillows and blankets to go along with our leather reclining seats in a private box for two. We snuggled under the blankets and waited for the show, only to be interrupted by a sudden airing of the King's song where everyone stood up until the end...the country is very patriotic!

The movie was excellent but left us with only 15 minutes before the mall closed and we still needed to buy dinner. We raced/hobbled (we were lame from lifting leg weights the previous day) to the basement floor and found sushi and spring roll bento boxes for dinner. It was an amazing dinner and we caught the skytrain back to our hotel ferry pickup location.

It was a wonderful evening with surprise twists!

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