Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Crazy photo op

Today we had the craziest experience I've had so far and that is saying alot! Hong Kong has been a wonderful city to wander around in since it is clean, quiet, and virtually free of touts. Occasionally, if you are in a hot tourist spot you will get a Buddhist "monk" trying to sell you a peace card but that is minor compared to the rest of the world.

Anyhow, we walked to the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The architecture is akin to the Sydney Opera hall and is right on the waterfront. The weather was beautiful with clear skies and temp around 75 deg. F. We took some pics and then sat down and enjoyed the breeze by the water.

When we were ready to move on to find the Peak tram to the top of the Hong Kong island, we took a few last pictures of the monuments surrounding the center. I posed in front of an obelisk with Chinese lettering and when Steve finished taking the picture this girl came from nowhere and wanted a picture next to me. Steve was going to take a shot with our camera but then they motioned for him to join us. At this point the girl is hugging my waste very tight and giggling away. Steve stood to the left of me and then the other Asian girl tossed the camera to the guy in their group and ran to Steve and hung on to his waste. I was hugged so tightly that when we tried to move to get a good centering for the picture I thought I was going to fall over with the girl. I'm not sure how the photo turned out for them because I'm sure the look on my face was one of complete bewilderment and hilarity.

They bowed and managed a broken "thank you"...we all bowed and then we were on our way. I admit that it caused me to laugh out loud multiple times today as I remembered the scenario. I don't know where the girls were from but they didn't speak much English and were very bold. Overall, I would have to say we are now famous somewhere in somebody's circle of friends...oh the joy of being an American! :-)

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