Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cheap Ass? - Yes, that's me.

I've definitely taken a page from my grandfather on my father's side. He still drinks Milwaukee's Best Light because he refuses to pay more than $5 for a case.

So is it unreasonable to think that a sleeping bag that I've used for 13 years (all through Boy Scouts) should continue to be cutting edge and small to pack? Some how I was caught off guard today when I tried to pack everything into my pack and saw that my sleeping bag was taking up 50% of the available room. But, like most other things with this trip, a good solution fell into my lap. I was able to find a suitable replacement (Mountain Hardware Lamina 35 - synthetic filling to boot) for a great price. When Jesse's down bag gets wet and doesn't work any more, I'll still be toasty and warm. Haha!

I've also feared that we'll die poor when I spend money on traveling/hiking clothing to replace the stuff that I've had since Philmont Scout Ranch in 1997. It's really amazing how far clothing has come since then (like fabrics that don't hold stink), but there's a built in resistance to buying new stuff for myself. Weird. I'm officially over it though, as we've reoutfitted ourselves quite nicely to travel the world. And anything that we've forgotten, I'm sure we can pick up along the way.


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