Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In general

On the off day of racing we explored the inner city which is lovely; beautiful building fronts, clean small streets, and of course the Holy Grail. The only damper on going for a walking tour was that the high of the day was 41 degrees C. It was also a Monday which means not all of the stores were open. It seems like Sundays are completely shutdown and Monday is about half and half (they say don’t eat the fish on Monday because no one fishes on Sunday…we tried it…no deaths yet).

The Valencians themselves you probably wouldn’t be able to pick out from anyone else walking the streets in the US. There is more fashion but nothing over the top. The one thing that might be brought to your attention is that they are all slender, the young and old. Maybe this is because they all smoke all of the time? This feels to me as a soft introduction to traveling the world. I have warm running water, bathrooms to be found when I need (especially since they are catering to the American Cup visitors), a bed, washer, etc. The enormity of what lies ahead though hits me when I ride on the coattails of my compadres who are fluent in Spanish. I imagine soon we will truly learn the meaning of “a picture is worth a thousands words”.

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