Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The List

This past week has flown by as we try to complete the odds and ends that will allow us to put our life on hold for the next year. I've never made a longer list, nor have I completed so many items on a list. I think my wife's about ready to scream - she hates lists with a passion. ;-)

A couple of things are left to do in our last day in the US - we've got to put our cell phones on hold, stuff the remaining items that we have here in storage, and send all the things that we have of other people's back to them. Do we have any of your stuff that you want back before we leave? Let us know, else you're not getting for at least a year!


1 comment:

hross said...

I don't know how you do it... if I was leaving for that long, an immense feeling of 'what am I forgetting' would be coming over me the second I stepped onto the plane.