Saturday, June 23, 2007

Spain's Landscape: 10:52PM 6-22-07

It’s dark now and you can’t really see much out the windows, except for a few lights from the cars on the roads that we’re crossing. I was really surprised by the landscape of Spain – it’s extremely arid, almost southwestern if you had to compare it to the US. I’m not sure what they do with most of their land, but occasionally you’d catch a glimpse of a farm of some sort with rows of trees or grape vines. We’ll definitely spend some time investigating more detail about this country. There are more rolling hills on the way from Madrid to Valencia than there were surrounding the airport in Munich.


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it to Spain. Tough break about JFK. These days, three hours on the tarmac seems about normal, up there. NZ lost today. My Mom is watching it religiously, to my surprise. Has been all month. Funny.
Dive in headfirst. Sample everything. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I remember riding the train through Spain; There were weird little hills everywhere that all seemed to plateau at the same height. See any of those?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of guys should check out The Decemberist's 'O Valencia!'...great song...I'll send it to you.

KeeganLewis said...

Hi jesse. i havent seen you and dont know if you remember me but i live across the street from you in harvey cedars on LBI. Your Dad told me about your trip and blog. Spain is pretty cool. My family went there in march. Its crazy how dry it is