Friday, January 18, 2008

The dumbest thing I've heard in a long while

So I took the ferry to work yesterday. It's the only way to cross to the north shore of Auckland and bring your bike. For some strange reason, you can bike everywhere else in this city, just not to the north shore. I've decided that taking the ferry to work is THE coolest way to commute, hands down. Since I've decided this, there will be no poll on it.

Anyhow, on my way back, I was standing on the pier waiting for the ferry to pick me up, when this guy saunters out onto the pier. He looks at me, my bike, my helmet, my biking gloves, looks at the pier and asks...get ready for it...

"How's the fishing?"

Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, "HOW'S THE FISHING?"

All I was able to muster up at that point was something just as intelligent sounding... "Uhhh, I have no clue." About 5 seconds after this dumbfounding question, was when my brain started working again, and came up with all sorts of snappy responses like "Well, I've been unsuccessful so far..." or "I've thrown my bike over a couple of times, but those m*therf***ers just aren't biting" or "Well, if my bike was equipped with Shimano DuraAce, I'd probably be having better luck."

He then continues to add, "Well, I think this would be a great fishing spot." Ok, thank you, Captain Obvious for your expert analysis. Since, you've proved that you have metal reasoning powers well above mine, I'll run off and get my fishing gear... or maybe just hang myself from the pier as shark bait just to end having to hear his incessant stupidity.

Other than that, things are peachy. Life is good.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dad's experience with KIWI co-workers would have supplied an equally bizarre comment to the man wondering about the fishing on the pier:
"The fishing here? Hellish. But no worries, I'm happy as Larry."
