Tuesday, January 29, 2008

According to the Voters: Democratic Candidate

According to faithful (or outspoken) blog readers, Barack Obama will win the democratic nomination with 81% of the party's nomination.

Now a few random election thoughts...
1) What's with all these states having primaries with no delegates at stake, or not having any candidates on the ballet?

2) And why does Hillary keep declaring herself triumphant in these states?

3) Should we be worried that the Supreme court will be deciding the next party nominations and subsequently the fate of the nation's next president?

4) I guess this all boils down to beg the question: Is America ready for (or less scared of) an African American President or a woman President?

Let's hear what you think.



mrsmac said...

Ahhh politics- are you sure you want to open the blog up to this conversation? :-)

Unknown said...

I suspect that electing a woman is still just too hard for some. Does that say anything about the state of gender struggle in the US?

The last 50 years of bringing women into full "citizenship" has ignored men in serious ways.
Note how many commercials for Levitra & Cialis there are on TV!
If I were a guy, I'd be tellling them to knock it off!