Monday, March 10, 2008

First Day of Work - Reporting In

So the first day as a cellar hand was slightly less awkward (only slightly) than working at Snowgum. At least there were no "customers" to have to convince you weren't completely stupid.

We biked to work this morning, arriving at 8am. After introducing ourselves about 100 times, we filled out some paperwork and met the permanent staff that we'd be working with. The team at Nobilo seems to be glad that the extra help as arrived, yet things are still quiet.

After this, we learned some of the jobs we'd be doing such as: making new hoses, cleaning tanks, moving stuff around... yeah, so that's pretty much all we did. A lot of first day awkwardness and standing around. That's universal to any first day; you want to be helpful and good at any job they give you, yet you're nervous and look like a complete monkey with anything you do.

We also learned we'd be working the night shift, 7pm to 7am. Other than the obvious downside - having to sleep while the sun is up - Jesse and I see some potential positives to the night shift.
1) When we bike to work, it's guaranteed to be light out. Our boss promised some spectacular sunrises as well. The headwinds are supposed to be the least at this point.
2) No sunburn. My forehead and bald spot thanks me immensely for this.
3) If we have errands to take care of in town, we'll be off during normal business hours.
4) The personalities of those who supervise the night shift seem to be of the "relaxed" nature. Should be interesting.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's hear if for the 12 hour day!The personalities of people who choose to work the night shifts are indeed interesting - as I can attest from working the swing shift at a VT book factory in '69

