Friday, March 21, 2008

Two weeks down, still no grapes

This week consisted of more learning, cleaning tanks, and getting the winery ready to receive grapes. Yet we still haven't seen any grapes yet. Rumor has it that next Tuesday (after the Easter holiday) we'll get our first 150 tons of grapes.

To reinforce the sheer volume of grapes that we'll be receiving, Nobilo loaded us on a tour bus and took us to see the different vineyards around the area. Around the Marlborough region almost every available square meter (we roll in the metric system here) is covered in Sauvignon Blanc. See the pictures on our website to get an idea of the hectares and hectares of grapes planted around here. I'd say that probably 95% of what's planted around here is Sauvignon Blanc, with the remaining 5% consisting of Chardonnay, Pinot Gris (Pinot Grigio for ya'll who are familiar with this Italian varietal), Pinot Noir, Semillion and Riesling.


Unknown said...

While you wait for the harvest to begin, here's a Q for the sauvignon blanc grape growers:
Do you make SB grape jelly or SB vinegar from the late harvest bummers?
I think both products would be excellent!

Unknown said...

Hey, you never answered my Q about the bogus fact in the "diatomaceous earth" remark!
If you did, you may find out why the harvest is a bit late.

That's truly bogus; Ha!