Thursday, March 27, 2008

Let the Savalanche Begin!

The onslaught (Savalanche) of grapes has begun. This week we've worked one 12 hr shift already and are gradually moving towards "the night shift." Tomorrow we work from 12 noon to midnight. I have 3 filtering jobs lined up (more diatomaceous earth) for tomorrow and Jesse's scheduled to receive 350 tonnes of grapes.

If you're curious, we've picked mainly Sauvignon Blanc and a little Chardonnay. The Pinots (Gris and Noir) are still hanging out on the vines, increasing in Brix.

Oh, so we learned that next Monday, they're going to feed us "lunch" once a day, for free. This probably works out for our 1 am meal, but I'm always pumped over free food!


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