Saturday, March 29, 2008

First Real Night Shift - Rain

So I believe someone above is laughing at us. To add insult to injury of going to work at 7pm and ending at 7:30am, the powers that be decided to bring on torrential downpours for 90% of our evening shift, including the bike to work. Now, normally, this would/could be expected, except this is Blenheim. It hasn't rained one drop since we got here a month ago. The sun has been out all but two cloudy days. Needless to day the rain made work very damp and cold, especially for those who had to work prolonged stints outside.

Now that the rain has stopped, it's cold and windy. I guess fall has finally arrived.

Funny thing about adjusting to night shift. Usually when you stay out all night or don't sleep on a normal schedule, it's because there's alcohol involved and waking up the next morning involves a hangover of some sorts. However, waking up at 2:30 pm today feels slightly less miserable. I opened one eye, saw it was light out and braced myself for the standard feeling of dry mouth, headache, nausea associated with being over served. Delightfully surprised that none of those symptoms became apparent, I was caught off guard when the dead weight of being up all night hit me like a sack of potatoes. I certainly hope it's like skiing, where if you can pull through the third day, you can rally on the fourth.



Unknown said...

S & J,
At least your adjustment to the night shift does not involve tending to patients in the ICU! Think of the slip-ups that get made there. Scary!!

nancymoira said...

Ahh, last year I worked my first vintage- nightshift at Indevin in the Marlborough, and just came across your brings back great, yet exhausting, memories of callouses, scrapes, keeping a watchful eye on your hoses, and the whole country of New Zealand running out of bentonite for a week.