Friday, August 17, 2007

Camel, Camel, Camel pt. 2

Jesse and I raced camels in the desert just outside of the Pyramids last night at dusk. I find it amazing that such an awkward animal can carry so much. Everything they do, from the way they walk to the way they chew looks funny and I can't help but look at them and laugh.

Unlike the Bedouin and their donkeys, the Egyptians do name their camels. Mine was "Mickey Mouse" and Jesse's was "Ali Baba". Hers wanted to constantly go right, and probably would have gone in circles if she hadn't kept steering it left.

It's a punishing ride though, and I think I've bruised my butt and inner thighs. I was definitely sore walking around and sitting today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! Great to see pics of you again!
Love you on Ali Baba and Mickey Mouse!!!
Mom Cottrell