Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sony Digital SLR - Drooool

While waiting for Jesse to get her haircut last night at the mall, I wandered into one of the many electronics stores here in Dubai (I'd say there's as many to rival Tokyo, if my memory serves me correctly) and played around with the newest Sony Digital SLR camera.

I'm really happy to see that Sony's stepped up to the plate with a full SLR camera. The menus were pretty self explanatory, the picture quality was phenomenal and the camera felt good in my hands. Not having used the Canon or Nikon D-SLRs, I can't compare, but it's something that I'd definitely check into when I get back to the states. That's assuming that I get a job again, and begin to make some disposable income.

Our current ultra portable Sony is holding up well, churning out pictures left and right, as you can see on our Picassa site. Check them out!

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