Sunday, August 5, 2007

Saying Goodbye to Morocco

After two weeks of experiences we could have never dreamed up, we have left Morocco and landed in Dubai. Each city in Morocco had a different flair. When we landed in Casablanca I wasn't quite comfortable with knowing when to bargain, when we were getting a fair price, and when and where to be out walking around the streets at night. Two weeks later after being to Marakech, the Berber villages, Agadir, and Rabat, we were back in Casablanca and it was a different experience since we understood a little more of the culture. For me it wasn't immediately comfortable because I like my space and if I want something I will approach the person selling but this is a world that is entirely opposite. Not only that but I've never stuck out so badly in my life. There is no blending in when you are obviously a foreigner and don't speak the native languages. But what I really enjoyed was seeing a different way of life. Everyone seems to know everyone else walking along the street. The networking seems to be a vital role in existence as does arguing. I feel that Morocco was a perfect stepping block in my journey into the rest of the World.

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