Friday, August 17, 2007

Egyptian Museum

So we went to the Egyptian Antiquities Museum this afternoon. All I have to say is wow... what a lot of well preserved artifacts from Egypt's past.

It makes me think that the commercialism of today's society isn't quite so bad, considering all the "stuff" that the Egyptian Royalty were buried with, not the least of which was King Tut. We saw his mask, sarcophagus, and copius amounts of jewelry, adornments that archaeologists found in his tomb.

Among the overwhelming amount of things in the museum, I managed to find carvings and figurines that proved the Egyptians brewed beer and had at least one dwarf king (let's hear it for diversity). I didn't find any evidence that they make sport of dwarf tossing though. They also complained about their work... in a very office space style. I found one painting humorously depicting a man's work of taming baboons, and hieroglyphics to suggest that this wasn't the career that he had dreamed of.

We weren't allowed to use a camera, so you won't get to see any of what we saw. There's so much stuff in that museum, 1 day isn't enough to cover any of it in depth... but then again an Egyptology degree would also be very useful.


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