Sunday, August 5, 2007

Dubai - Dare to dream big

Dubai has me fascinated...

It's a town that dares it's creators to dream big and then finances their creations. Here we've found...
1) An indoor ski hill, complete with slope side Chalets at the attached hotel.
2) A replica of the canals of Venice
3) A replica of many old Arabic buildings on the outside, while inside, it's a 5 star hotel.

Seed money from oil has financed the rapid creation of Dubai as we know it, and there's no signs of it slowing down at all.

We went to the Dubai history museum the other day and it's a pretty short exhibit. While civilization has existed here for many centuries, the current history of Dubai goes back to about the 1950's when the ruling powers here decided to bring this city online and make it a center for tax free shopping and tourism.

Talking to the taxi drivers has revealed that there's a slightly darker side to the rapid development of Dubai. They've alluded to the fact that Dubai opens its borders to immigrants from Pakistan, India, Asia and uses these people to work the construction jobs. They don't offer the workers citizenship, pay them incredibly low wages (~500 dirhams/month) and don't help them out with any costs of living here. Workers choose to come here because there ARE jobs, unlike in their home countries, but they can't afford to bring their families here, and can't afford to send much money home. Most of all, they have a hard time finding some place to live. One taxi driver we spoke with said that he was sharing a room with 4 other guys, and none of them could afford to bring their families. It's sad.



Anonymous said...

Hey, Steven and Jesse! It's Denise (from VW). I'm just catching up on your travels - love the photos. I'm so glad you're keeping up the blog because the stories are so interesting and it's great that we can share in this with you, in some way. The Spain photos are just breathtaking.

Take care, happy travels!

Unknown said...

I just came across this bar in Dubai online today and thought it might be worth checking out although I'm pretty sure Jesse will be too cold in there to fully embrace the ambiance. She and I are definitely on the same page when it comes to the importance of staying warm. Let me know if you decide to visit this place. Looks pretty cool (no pun intended).