Monday, August 20, 2007

Steve's Food Poisoning Count = 2

Well, to those who are interested, I'm recovering today from a bout of nasty food poisoning that took me out of commission for all of yesterday. Although this one didn't have all of the nasty stomach and digestional issues... just a 102 fever, aches, chills, and the whole kettle of fish. For those of you concerned, my fever broke last night and I'm back to normal today, just feeling like someone kicked me between the eyes.

Round 1 happened while at a beach resort in Morocco, buffet food. I should have known better. Round 2 happened at a "upscale Western" coffee shop here in Cairo, after eating a boxed cold cut sandwich... you know, a sandwich in a triangular container, nicely packaged and sliced diagonally so as to look appealing and entice you with its 3-5 day old goodness. I have to say, my guard was down.

Today, we went looking for "safe" options for lunch and settled on, are you ready for this, McDonalds. Considered upscale for this part of Cairo (your meal costs more than a dollar), they're supposed to observe different food handling practices. Their McArabia grilled chicken sandwich was kind of like a chicken Cesar flat bread sandwich, but with all the ear marks of McDonalds (over spiced).

So far, so good, but I'll follow up later with the final results.



Anonymous said...

So glad to read your last few entries while in Cairo, day and night it sounds like a dream come true! .....and tomorrow off for johannesburg!
we will be praying for you.......
Steve, Sammy and i got a touch of a belly bug, perhaps it's in the air.....hope all is well for you now.(activated charcoal?)
Oh! i am doing laundry, how's that part of life going?
love and miss you both......
mom cottrell

Anonymous said...

So, I was bored at work this morning, and I read your entire blog. I find it all very interesting, and it makes me want to travel to more "off the beaten path" places. I too was bummed by the tour de France doping fiasco. This was the first year that I really watched it (3 hours a day), and found myself rooting for Vinokourov - especially after his fall. I'm not sure if I'll watch again next year.

By the way, Jesse, you are still in the org chart, and your old boss is moving to a new position. The new EGM for the handling lab will be Dennis Furlong. Not sure if you even care, but thought you may be interested in knowing.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to put my name on the above comment

- Nick B

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Jesse ate her first McDonalds burger...ever?!