Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tour de France - Bad News

So after all the fun we had watching the TDF, it turns out that Rasmussen got booted from the tour last night for lying about his wherabouts in the last month as he was training for the tour. Vinakorov also got booted two days ago for doping as well. Do these guys not learn?

At first, I didn't want to believe it - it seems like every time we root for someone like Rasmussen or Landis, and they're winning, next thing we know they get booted for some doping related activities.

I don't really know what to think at this point - cycling certainly has out done itself time and time again with swearing that they're now clean and then another scandal comes out. I'm not sure anyone is telling the truth - cyclists, teams, testers, anyone involved.

As a fan of the sport, I'm hurt - crushed in fact - that the lesson about not doping hasn't been learned. The whole system needs to be examined, from the demands placed on the cyclists where they feel like they need to dope, to the testing procedures, to the training procedures.

Bicycling magazine has good coverage, if you're interested. Read it here.

But I really don't blame you if you just sit back and watch the whole thing go to hell.


Unknown said...

We had better stick to sailing or F1... At least your heros aren't supporting dog fighting.



kyle smith said...

Hey gang, I hope all is well in your travels. Looks like you've been busy updating your blog. I guess I have some reading to do.

Technically, Rasmussen wasn't kicked out for doping, he team pulled him b/c he lied about his whereabouts a couple times, but if you believe the reports, he was probably doping. It's a shame too, he really seemed like a nice guy.

Speaking of nice guys, you owe it to yourself to watch the final time trial. Levi rode his heart out, it was one of the finest moments of the tour. He ended up with the third or fourth fastest TT in history. Honestly, Levi rode the best tour out of anyone, the only reason Contador won the yellow over him is b/c no one marked Contador early on, and he was allowed to escape and get that stage win. Don’t get me wrong, Alberto is a superb rider, it’s just that I think Levi rode a slightly better tour.

This sport needs an honest to goodness hero more than any other time in its history. As one writer for Sports Illustrated said (not a direct quote, just how I remember it), “ I’ll watch the Tour because of the pain, personal sacrifice, and sheer determination of the riders. But when I want to watch a sport with a bit more integrity, I’ll flip the channel to pro wrestling.” Harsh, but with more than a thread of truth.

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