Monday, July 2, 2007

America's Cup Races 4 through 6 - Alinghi Wins 3 in a row...

So after the Kiwi's triumph in race 3, taking a lead in the series 2-1, the Swiss have won the last 3 and now lead 4-2. Since it's a best of 9 series, they only need one more to successfully defend the cup.

The NZ boat had it's bouts of bad luck (wind shifts, exploding spinnakers) but has also been out sailed by the Swiss when everything's gone right.

Yesterday, Sunday, they were supposed to race, but the race was abandoned because the wind was too light and shifty.

New Zealand has to win 3 in a row now to win the cup, so I'm sure they'll be sailing like they've got nothing to loose tomorrow when racing resumes.


Anonymous said...

April sent me your blog. Great to see you guys are doing well and having a great time!!!

Unknown said...

Wondering where you two are right now. I imagine you're either already in France or on your way to watch the Tour. We're so jealous. Be sure to send out an update soon. We are eagerly awaiting the next installment of the traveling Clarke duo. I check your blog faithfully almost every day so I can live vicariously through you. I hope you're having such a fantastic trip so far!