Friday, July 13, 2007


Oh, the city of love just wasn’t lovely…the weather that is. Rainy and cold, even colder than the clothes I have packed with me could sustain. I’m going to consider adding one more item to carry; a wool long sleeve might do the trick of keeping enough heat in. Lets face it, I get cold very easily and will probably even get cold in Africa. But back in Paris, the back streets of the city were very calm and peacefully residential. I preferred these over the crowded tourist routes. It gave us a chance to find little fromageries, boulangeries, etc. The Eiffel Tower was a cool landmark to see from a distance and even better lit up at night. The whole experience of climbing to the 2nd platform was soured by the weather (cold, rainy, and windy…my three favorites!) and all of the rude pushy people. It’s not like the tower is going anywhere soon, oui? There was no push in the toilette line though as I waited 25 minutes, that will try your patience any day. But the best part of it all was wandering around with Hannah and James eating Crepes, staring at the old buildings, ticking off the front desk lady at their hotel, searching for public toilettes, buying picnic dinners, and soaking in each others company. Absolutely fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! just wonderful!!! and it takes me right back to the small back streets in Paris.yum!!!!

barbara said...

I am pea green with envy,but thrilled that you are enjoying this wonderful adventure. Sorry you are cold in the Alps,how miserable. Keep us all posted on everything!

Anonymous said...

I am also incredibly jealous. my favorite thing to do in Paris was to buy a Nutella and banana crepe and explore the city. Glad you all are having a great time!