Sunday, July 15, 2007

Eating Tips - Paris

Best places to eat / eating tips:
1) Find the grocery stores far away from the Eiffel Tower. A liter of water is 14 euro cents. Stinky cheese is abundant and a decent bottle of Bordeaux is 5 euro.
2) Eat where the locals do: The best meal we had was a little Craperie joint on Rue Granelle. We waited for a table (which Parisans don’t seem to do, they continue on) and ate an authentic French meal for a reasonable price.
3) Stand at the bar while drinking espresso (café). There’s one price for a coffee at the counter, a higher price for table seating and an even still higher price for outside service. With the $ to Euro exchange rate being in the toilet currently, you can guess where we drank our café.

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