Thursday, July 26, 2007

Marrakech, Morocco

Yes, we're in Morocco now - have been for about a week now. The blog has been strangely silent, because, well, internet isn't easy to come by here. Luckily, we've found a great cafe that has wi-fi. This cafe is so close to our hotel that we can get wi-fi in our courtyard (stealing again!).

We're staying at Hotel Toulousain, which is owned by the sister and brother in law of a friend in Michigan. It's a wonderful place, with a very helpful and friendly staff. No complaints about the price of the rooms either.

We've really enjoyed talking in depth with the family who owns the hotel about Morocco, Marrakech and life in a foreign country (outside the comfort of the US). They've been most gracious to us, treating us like family. Their kids are a hoot as well, captivated with our digital watches and camera, putting on puppet shows for us, and playing futbol (soccer) in the alley.

I'll go into more depth about this in another post, but earlier this week, we climbed the second highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Toubkal and are still recovering from the stiffness that accompanies an ascent and descent of a ~13,000 foot summit.

Tomorrow, we'll head to Agadir, a beach town on the west coast of Morocco for some good sun (yeah, like we need more of this... it's been 100 degrees + for the last week here in Marrakech) and swimming. I'm always fascinated with how each country "does" the beach. Growing up visiting the Jersey shore, I know the diversity that can be associated with a beach town (LBI vs. Seaside Heights, for instance), and I'm always curious to experience another beach dynamic.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you guys heading to Everest?