Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I got a fever...

And the only cure is MORE COWBELL!

The French cows have it made. They get the choicest pastures, most picturesque views and the dopest cowbells. As we were camping, all you'd hear in the in the background was the sound of a few dozen clanking cowbells. I'm sure like change in your pocket, a cattle farmer can tell if his heard is all there by the symphony of cowbells that he hears.


Unknown said...

You know it, baby! I know I for one can never get enough cowbell.

Have a blast in Morocco! I'll be eager to see what you two think of it. Be sure to say hi to my sister and her family for me, and since I can't do it in person please give them all a big hug from me. I know it may seem awkward at first but trust me when I say they'll embrace you like one of their own:). Make sure you have Hassan show you the goats in the trees and definitely head out for some hiking in the Atlas Mountains. You won't regret it.

Miss you guys,


Anonymous said...

thanks for the snap of the cow...!!
xoxoxoxo mom cottrell