Friday, July 13, 2007

France beyond Paris

Since Paris we’ve moved into the back country of France and it is wonderful. It makes us work on our French skills more and when driving through the towns that are shut down for the Summer I don’t feel like a spectator among throngs that are all stopping to take photos. Yes, I realize that I’m not the first to find these places but I feel less creepy taking pictures when no one is around. The level of activity in Villages is very random and it’s amazing how many places you might see a few cars but no people. The castles are cool to view from a distance. Basically the country side is beautiful to the point that I feel like if I take a picture it just wouldn't do the view any justice.

We also had a tornado sighting (from a distance of course). With all the crazy raining you get used to the ominous clouds overhead threatening doom at any moment but all of a sudden while driving North on the highway towards Dijon we saw a twister shape form. By the time we were around the clump of trees blocking the view it was definitely touching down, very large and menacing, and probably creating destruction in its path. That is at least how it appeared from our angle.

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