Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Off to Morocco

It's been a whirlwind tour of France for the past week (plus) following The Tour and now we're back in Paris, ready to fly to Morocco tomorrow. It'll be an interesting change of pace, and I'm not really sure what to expect, but that's the exciting part.

We woke up in Briancon this morning, packed up camp and hopped in the car to drive back to Paris. It took us 3 hrs to go the first 100km, out of the mountains, with traffic hopelessly backed up behind Caravan, cyclist, or small car towing large trailer. Once we made it to the freeways though, it was smooth sailing at 130-150kph...

One thing I don't understand is France's lack of public restrooms.... Do these people not have to pee? McDonalds was the only place that we could count on a public restroom. So today, when the 3rd grocery store in a row didn't have a public restroom, we tromped off into the
woods and peed. Apparently, we weren't the first people to do so, as a small clearing just out of sight of the front of the grocery store was littered with toilet paper. ~S

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